All rights reserved to Sudani 3abee

call of duty

Price : 65,613 SDG
About the card

Experience the thrill of intense multiplayer action on your mobile device with Call of Duty Mobile. Engage in fast-paced battles across iconic maps and game modes from the Call of Duty franchise. Customize your loadout, unlock powerful weapons and scorestreaks, and compete against players from around the world. With stunning graphics and intuitive controls, Call of Duty Mobile delivers the ultimate first-person shooter experience on the go.

How to Redeem
  • Mobile/Desktop:

    Call of Duty Website:
    - Go to Log in or sign up for an account.
    - Enter your gift card code and select 'Submit'.

    - Open the PlayStation Store via your console and click on the option 'Redeem codes' in the menu.
    - Enter your code. Once you start Call of Duty, the COD Points will have been added to your account wallet.

    PlayStation Website:
    - Go to
    - Tap your account name, and select 'Redeem Codes'.
    - Enter your Call of Duty code.

    - Open the Xbox Games Store via your console and then click on the 'Use a code' option.
    - Enter your code. You'll then be able to purchase the points in Call of Duty with your Xbox credit.

Terms and Condition

- This card is digital only.
- Activate at the time of purchase, and they are used in dedicated sites.
- Safeguarding Your Card: 3ABEE is not responsible for lost or stolen cards.
- No Returns or Replacements: Unfortunately, due to the digital nature of this card, we cannot offer returns or replacements.