All rights reserved to Sudani 3abee

Jawaker 4250 Token

Price : 2,826 SDG
About the card
Jawaker 4250 Token
How to Redeem

1. Click on the gear settings icon inside the Jawaker application and copy the "Player Number".
2. Go to the Jawaker website and enter your Player Number and the Voucher Code, and then click on "Submit". 
3. Once successfully loaded the voucher, the funds will be loaded into the account directly. You may also relog your account to check on the balance added.

Terms and Condition

- This card is digital only.
- Activate at the time of purchase, and they are used in dedicated sites.
- Safeguarding Your Card: 3ABEE is not responsible for lost or stolen cards.
- No Returns or Replacements: Unfortunately, due to the digital nature of this card, we cannot offer returns or replacements.